We Nefoma represented by Mr. Devender Kumar (Founder), Mr. Abhishek Kumar (President), Ms. Shweta Bharti, (Gen. Sec.), Annu Khan (Vice President), Vijay Trivedi (Director) and Mr. Indrish Gupta (Dy. Director). Some of our demands and their reply as under:
What is the exact position of this case, where is the file right now.
What is the procedure of NCRPB approval and how much time it will take, what actions you are taking to speed-up the procedure
He replied, he cannot give any assurance in regard, but he said they are filing for review petition in HC in this week. He also said as NCRPB is under Central Govt., they are trying their best to resolve the matter as soon as possible. He said the NE File is in NCRPB Office and it will take minimum one month time for approval.
After increase in FAR, some of the builders are changing their layout plans, what actions you are planning to take in this regard.
For any change in lay-out/ extra floors, the builders have to get approval from GNA, but no builder have approached them in this regard.
As you may know, some of the builders are issuing demand letters, what actions you are taking as a greater Noida CEO to stop this illegal demands.
He said he cannot give instructions to builders in this regard. This matter have to be resolved between builders and buyers themselves.
When we ask Mr. Rama Raman, we want early solution of this problem, as we are the biggest looser in this whole battle and we are going for Protest March on 17th Dec., he get angry and said, we are not afraid of any protest and Dharna. (B’coz he knows the buyers are not united as the farmers are)
So we request all Noida Extension Flat buyers on behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) to participate in Protest Rally on 17th December at Noida entry point 3.00 PM (Gautam Budh Statue)
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नेफ़ोमा ने आज एन.सी.आर. प्लानिंग बोर्ड में मास्टर प्लान २०३१ को लेकर एक मिटिंग कि जिसमे नेफ़ोमा की पूरी कोर टीम के अलावा कुछ बायर्स भी इक्क्ठा हुऎ । मिटिंग में सबसे बड़ा मुद्द्दा था मास्टर प्लान २०३१, इसको लेकर स्थिती साफ़ नही है कि मास्टर प्लान कि अभी क्या स्थिती है । ग्रेटर नोएडा अथोरिटि का कहना है कि वो लोग मास्टर प्लान एन.सी.आर. प्लानिंग बोर्ड के पास भेज चुके है जबकी प्लान एन.सी.आर. प्लानिंग बोर्ड का कहना है कि अभी जो भी बात करनी है वो ग्रैटर नोएडा अथोरिटि से करो । इसके अलावा यह भी सुनने में आ रहा है कि मास्टर प्लान २०३१ को एन.सी.आर. प्लानिंग बोर्ड ने कुछ अ्पतिओ के साथ वापस कर दिया है ।
नेफ़ोमा की टीम ने मीटिंग में आज सर्वसम्म्ती से फ़ैसला लिया है कि वो अब पहले ग्रैटर नोएडा अथोरिटि से मास्टर प्लान की सही स्थिती का पता लगाएगी । उसके अलावा नोएडा एन्ट्री पाईंट से एक विशाल रैली निकाले का भी निर्णय लिया गया । जिसकी कि तारिख इसी ह्फ़्ते में फ़ाइनल की जायेगी ।
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If, NCRPB approval doesn’t come in 2 weeks, we Nefoma are planning to launch a big Dharna outside their office and sit on Hunger Strike. Take leave from your offices and make this protest ..... BIG SUCCESS..... otherwise this approval will not come..........
we need atleast 1000 volunteers for that (take 3 day leave from office and join this Dharna with family)
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We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) had a meeting with Mr. Surinder Nagar (M.P. - G.B.Nagar), over one lac flat buyers are in dilemma over the future of Noida Extension.
We Nefoma represented by Mr. Indrish Gupta (Dy. Director) ,Mr. Abhishek Kumar (President), Annu Khan (Vice President) and Ms. Shweta Bharti, (Gen. Sec.). Some of our demands and their reply as under:
1. Approval of NCRPB and Bank Loans
Speed-up the procedure for all these approvals and let the work start at the earliest.
He replied, the matter is under process and he is trying to settle this matter within 1-2 months.
2. Don’t raise demand letters until projects are bankable and No Interest of this delayed period
The banks are not willing to approve any further loans on any of the projects of the Noida Extension. During the booking of the flats the flat buyers told that the banks are ready to give loans and such was the cases, but due to the farmers problem the loans have been withheld by the bankers. In such case the flat buyers are not in a position to pay their further demands.
He said, submit the names of those builders who are creating problems, then he will fix a meeting with those builders, CEO (GNA) and Nefoma Team.
We also ask Mr. Nagar to raise our voice in Parliament and speed up the procedure for approval from NCRPB and bank loans.
We also ask him to kindly give suggestions and guidelines on these issues to Builders / Farmers / Authority for smooth work at Noida Extension.
If, NCRPB approval doesn’t come in 2 weeks, we Nefoma are planning to launch a big Dharna outside their office and sit on Hunger Strike.
The meeting was successful and we are happy to say that Mr. Nagar agreed on all our demands and promised us, that he will try to sort-out all these issue very soon
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Dear Noida extension flat buyer
We, Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) are working for the rights of all Noida Extension flat buyers. Some of our demands are :
1. Don’t raise demand letters until projects are bankable.
The banks are not willing to approve any further loans on any of the projects of the Noida Extension. During the booking of the flats the flat buyers told that the banks are ready to give loans and such was the cases, but due to the farmers problem the loans have been withheld by the bankers. In such case the flat buyers are not in a position to pay their further demands.
2. No Interest of this delayed period
Appeal to all builders not to charge any interest to buyers for this period on delayed payment.
3. No Change of Plan
Some of the builders are threatening, that they will convert Flexi plan into CLP plan if flat buyers not pay the amount immediately.
4. FAR Increase Impact
Explanation from builders, how will they use this increase in FAR (new towers or extra floors on towers).
5. Shahberi village Flat Shifting
Shifting of Shahberi village projects to undisputed area should be on same rate and same floor.
Join hands with us to step forward to solve the above mentioned problems on FACEBOOK,
Kindly send your details (Name / Mob. No./ Builder’s name/ Address) at admin@nefoma.org
Kindly give your suggestions and guidelines on these issues, so that we can work more efficiently
On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)
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Tomorrow (24th Nov) NEFOMA Team will meet Our M.P. Mr.Surinder Nagar and raise the Buyers Problems/ Demands. We will ask Mr. Nagar to raise our problems in Parliament and issue some guidelines to Noida Extension Builders/ farmers/ GNA in this regard.
……………….. suggestions welcome at admin@nefoma.org
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नोय़डा एक्स्टेंसन कि दास्तान बड़ी अजीब है यह, कहाँ कहाँ से शुरु हुई ओर कब खत्म होगी पता ही नही है । इसको हम बीरबल की खिचड़ी भी कह सकते है , जो पकने का नाम ही नही ले रही । हर बार भाप देखकर लगता है कि बन गई लेकिन जब चखने कि सोचते है तो पता चलता है कि अभी तो कच्ची है ओर अभी ओर समय लगेगा । लेकिन जो उस खिचड़ी को खाने के लिये भूखा बैठा है यह तो वो ही बता सकता है कि उसके ऊपर क्या बीत रही है । रोजना जब हम लोग अखबार को उठाते है तो सबसे पहले देखते है कि नोय़डा एक्टेंशन कि कोइ खबर तो नही , जब कुछ अच्छा पढ़ने को मिलता है तो कुछ उम्मीद जगती है लेकिन दूसरे दिन पता चलता है कि कोई ओर पेच फ़स गया ।
जिन लोगो ने अपना अशियाना नोएडा एस्क्टेशंन को चुना उन लोगो में बहुत से वो लोग हो सकते है जिन्होने अपने जीवन भर कि पूँजी लगा दी हो । लेकिन बड़ा अफ़सोस होता है ये देख कर कि आज एक आम आदमी कि तरफ़ किसी का ध्यान नही है , हर कोई मौका पड़ने पर उस आम आदमी को निचोड़ने मे लगा हुआ है , उसको धोखे पर धोखे मिल रहे है । पहले जब हम लोगो ने फ़्लेट्स के लिये अखबारो मे पड़ कर ब्रोकर्स से सम्पर्क किया तो बड़ी-२ बाते करके उन लोगो ने हमे धोखा दिया , आज जब आप लोग उनसे आज के हालात पर बात करने कि कौशिश करे वो इसके लिये तैयार नही होते । दूसरा धोखा मिला किसानो ओर अदालतो से जिन्होने सब कुछ बस जाने के बाद वो सब किया जो नही करना चहिये था । आज जबकि अदालत से हमे कुछ राहत मिली है लेकिन उस पर भी किन्तु-परन्तु लगा हुआ है । और सबसे बड़ा धोखा मिला बिल्डर्स से । सभी बिल्डर्स अपने आप में एक ब्राँन्ड है , और हम लोगो न अपने अपने हिसाब से उनको चुना । उन्होने भी पूरा विश्वास दिलाया कि उनका ब्राँन्ड सबसे अच्छा है । लेकिन अदालत का फ़ैसला आने के बाद बिल्डर्स के साथ-२ बायर्स को भी एक बड़ा झटका लगा । ओर उस मौके पर बिल्डर्स ने मिडिया के मा्ध्यम से बायर्स को ढाल बना कर अदालत को एक संदेश देने कि कौशिस की कि उस जगह पर सभी का हित जुड़ा हुआ है । इसके लिये एक बड़ी रेली कि गई जो आज मे शक के दायरे में आती है कि आखिर उ्स दिन इतने बायर कहाँ से इक्क्ठे हो गये । लेकिन आज वो ही बि्ल्डर्स अपने बायर्स को रोजाना नया झांसा देने कि कौशिस कर रहे है । आज उनको पैसा चहिये बस पैसा । वो यह नही जानना चाहते कि आखिर वो पैसा कहाँ से आयेगा जबकि बैंक उस जगह पर लोन देने के लिये तैयार नही है । उम्मीद है कि इन बिल्डर्स को सद्बुधि आयेगी ।
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NOIDA: Homebuyers of Noida Extension have been granted some relief by the NCR unit of the Confederation of Real Estate Developers' Associations of India (CREDAI) by directing all developers to not charge any interest on pending EMIs of those who have paid the 10 per cent booking amount till the projects become bankable again. However, those buyers who have just paid the token amount and not signed the agreements have been "requested" to book their flats and pay the 10 per cent booking amount soon.
Representatives of several buyers' associations had met CREDAI (NCR) vice president Anil Sharma on Monday to dispel apprehensions regarding the status of their homes as even after three weeks of the Allahabad High Court verdict on land acquisition, the actual ground situation remained far from clear. Soon after the HC order, some developers sent off demand letters asking the buyers to pay interests on their pending instalments. Buyers also feared that that the quality of their houses may be compromised if the developers chose to increase the floor area ratio (FAR) of their projects and construct new towers or floors. The buyers, thus, met Sharma on Monday to "request him to bring about some order."
"After the HC order on October 21, we thought things will be clear, but a lot of confusion continued to prevail among the buyers. To make matters worse, some developers began sending demand letters asking us to pay interest to the tune of Rs 50,000 within a deadline. The banks have stopped disbursing loans so how can we pay any money to the developers?" said Shweta Bharti of the Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA).
However, Sharma has now assured the buyers that not only will the developers be asked to withdraw their demand letters, but they will also not make any major changes in the layouts, the reserved green area of the buildings, and FARs of the buildings. CREDAI NCR will soon issue a "formal direction" to all developers of Noida Extension regarding the same. "We have agreed in principal over almost all the issues that the buyers raised, including interest on EMIs and changes in FARs," said Sharma. "We will now get in touch with all developers with upcoming projects in the Noida Extension area and take up the matter at the all India CREDAI convention scheduled for November 24 and 25 after which a general consensus will be drafted for all developers to follow," he added.
Source : TOI
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नेफोमा कि क्रेडाइ के वाइस प्रेजिडेंट श्री अनिल शर्मा से मिटिगं
आज दिनाँक 14/11/2011 को नोएडा एक्सटेंशन फ्लैट ओनर एण्ड मेंबर असोसिएशन (नेफोमा ) कि क्रेडाइ के वाइस प्रेजिडेंट श्री अनिल शर्मा से मिटिगं हुई । इस मिटिंग में वायर्स को बिल्डर्स कि ओर से जिन परेशानिओ का सामना करना पड़ रहा है उन सभी बातो को रखा गया । मिटिग नीचे दिये गये मुद्दो पर चर्चा हुई :
१. सबसे बड़ा मुद्दा था कि जिन लोगो को ब्याज के लिये डिमांड लेटर भेजे गये है उनको वापस लिया जाये । कोई भी वायर ब्याज नही देगा । नेफ़ोमा टीम का तर्क था कि जब नोएडा एक्सटेंशन का मामला कोर्ट में लम्बित था तो कैसे बिल्डर ब्याज कि मांग कर सकता है ।
अनिल शर्मा जी का कहना था कि कोई भी बिल्डर ब्याज कि डिमांड नही कर सकता और वो इस विषय में क्रेडाई कि तरफ़ से एक गाईड लाईन जारी करगें जिसमे बिल्डर्स से कहा जायेगा कि वो कोइ ब्याज कि मांग ना करे ।
२. दूसरा पाम ओल्म्पिया के द्वारा बायर्स को लेटर भेजे गये जिसमें कि उनको सूचित किया गया कि उनका पेमेंट प्लान बदला जा रहा है यानि फ़्लेक्सी से सी.एल.पी. मे उनको अब इनस्टाल्मेन्ट देनी पडे़गी । नेफ़ोमा टीम का तर्क था कि बुकिंग के समय पर बिल्डर्स ने जब उनके सामने पेमेंट प्लान रखा था तो यह बायर्स कि मर्जी थी कि उनको कॊन सा प्लान लेना है । जो प्लान जिस बायर को ठीक लगा उसने अपने सहुलियत के हिसाब से उसका चयन कर लिया ओर उसी आधार पर एग्रीमेंट तॆयार किया गया । तो अब बिल्डर किस आथार पर प्लान बदल सकता है वो भी बिना बायर्स कि मर्जी के ।
अनिल शर्मा जी का कहना था कि कोई भी बिल्डर बिना बायर्स कि मर्जी के प्लान चेंज नही कर सकता ओर इस पाइंट को भी वो गाईड लाइन में रखेगें
३ तीसरा मुद्दा था एफ़.ए.आर को लेकर , एफ़.ए.आर पर बायर्स को शंका है कि बिल्डर्स ग्रीन एरिया खत्म कर वहा पर टावर खड़े करने कि यौजना बना रहे है जिससे भविष्य मे वहाँ रहने वाले लोगो के लिये दिक्कत होने वाली है क्योकि जब बिल्डर्स ने अपने प्रोजेक्ट बेचे थै तो उनको वादा किया गया था कि उनके प्रोजेक्ट में भरपूर ग्रीनरी होगी । अब अगर बिल्डर्स वहाँ कंक्रीट के जंगल खड़ा कर देगा तो फ़िर वहा लोगो को बहुत सी परेशानिओ का सामना करना पड़ सकता है ।
अनिल शर्मा जी का कहना था कि किसी भी प्रोजेक्ट मे नये टावर्स नही लगाये जायेगे ओर अगर बिल्डर्स अपने प्रोजेक्ट्स में फ़्लोर बड़ाना चाहते है तो उनको बायर्स से पूछना पड़ेगा ।
४. चौथा मुद्दा था साहबेरी गाँव को लेकर । साहबेरी गाँव में जिन बिल्डर्स के प्रोजेक्ट अफ़्फ़ेक्टड हुये वहाँ बायर्स को परेशान किया जा रहा है । जिन लोगो ने अपने फ़्लेटस एक से लेकर सात मजिंल तक बुक कराये थे उन लोगो को १४ या १५ फ़्लोर पर सिफ़्ट किया जा रहा है जो कि गलत है । जब किसी बायर ने अपना फ़्लेट बुक कराया तो उसने अपनी जरुरत के हिसाब से नीचे की मजिंलो को चुना और उसी हिसाब से बिल्डर को पैमेंट किया ।
अनिल शर्मा जी का कहना था कि जिन लोगो ने फ़्लोर नीचे से बुक कराया है उनको उसी के हिसाब से उपर कि मजिंलो सिफ़्ट किया जायेगा ।
नोएडा एक्सटेंशन की टेंशन खत्म होने का नाम नहीं ले रही है। अब किस्त पर ब्याज को लेकर बिल्डरों और इन्वेस्टर्स में तकरार शुरू हो गया है। निवेशकों की संस्था नोएडा एक्सटेंशन फ्लैट ओनर मेंबर असोसिएशन (नेफोमा ) ने पिछले 6 महीनों का ब्याज न देने का फैसला किया है। मामले का हल निकालने के लिए सोमवार को बिल्डरों की संस्था क्रेडाई के साथ असोसिएशन की मीटिंग होगी। मीटिंग में एफएआर और शाहबेरी के शिफ्टेड निवेशकों का मुद्दा भी उठाया जाएगा। इन्वेस्टर्स का कहना है कि प्रोजेक्ट पर पिछले 6 महीने से कोई काम नहीं हुआ है, इसलिए वह किसी भी कीमत पर इस अवधि के लिए बिल्डरों को ब्याज नहीं देंगे। हालांकि वह किस्त देने को तैयार हैं।
आज की मीटिंग में होगी चर्चा
नोएडा एक्सटेंशन फ्लैट ऑनर मेंबर असोसिएशन के प्रेजिडेंट अभिषेक कुमार ने बताया कि बिल्डर निवेशकों से ब्याज की मांग कर रहे हैं। जो निवेशक इसका विरोध कर रहे हैं, उन्हें फ्लैट की बुकिंग कैंसल करने की चेतावनी दी जा रही है। हालांकि ब्याज की डिमांड करने वाले ज्यादातर छोटे बिल्डर हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि असोसिएशन ने अपने सदस्यों को किसी भी कीमत पर ब्याज नहीं देने को कहा है। इस मामले में सोमवार को क्रेडाई के साथ असोसिएशन के पदाधिकारियों की मीटिंग होगी। मीटिंग नोएडा स्थित आम्रपाली ग्रुप के ऑफिस में होगी। इसमंे असोसिएशन की ओर से प्रेजिडेंट और जनरल सेक्रेटरी के अलावा कुछ खरीदार भी शामिल होंगे। वहीं क्रेडाई की ओर से क्रेडाई एनसीआर के वाइस प्रेजिडेंट व आम्रपाली ग्रुप के चेयरमैन अनिल शर्मा के साथ एक-दो अन्य सदस्य होंगे। असोसिएशन की योजना क्रेडाई के माध्यम से सभी बिल्डरों को यह निर्देश दिलाने का है कि कोई भी बिल्डर निवेशकों से 6 महीने का ब्याज न मांगे।
शिफ्टेड निवेशकों का भी मुद्दा उठेगा
मीटिंग में फ्लोर एरिया रेश्यो ( एफएआर ) और शाहबेरी के शिफ्टेड निवेशकों का भी मुद्दा उठेगा। नेफोमा के प्रेजिडेंट ने बताया कि शाहेबरी में फ्लैट की बुकिंग कराने वाले कई निवेशक यह शिकायत कर रहे हैं कि उनसे अधिक पैसे लिए जा रहे हैं। इसके अलावा कुछ लोगों की शिकायत है कि उन्हें उस फ्लोर पर फ्लैट नहीं दिया जा रहा है , जिस पर उन्होंने बुकिंग कराई थी। इस मामले को भी मीटिंग में उठाया जाएगा। इसके अलावा एफएआर को लेकर निवेशकों की मांग है कि जो नक्शा देखकर उन्होंने फ्लैट की बुकिंग कराई थी , उसमें किसी प्रकार का बदलाव नहीं होना चाहिए।
एक डेढ़ महीने तक बंद रहेगा काम !
मामला कोर्ट में विचाराधीन होने के कारण नोएडा एक्सटेंशन में बिल्डरों का काम 6 महीने से बंद है। अब भी प्रोजेक्ट पर काम शुरू नहीं हुआ है। हाई कोर्ट ने अपने आदेश में यह कहा है कि जब तक ग्रेटर नोएडा अथॉरिटी के मास्टरप्लान 2021 को एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड से अप्रूवल नहीं मिलता , सभी प्रोजेक्ट पर यथा स्थिति बनी रहेगी। अथॉरिटी अफसरों के मुताबिक मास्टरप्लान को एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड से मंजूरी मिलने में कम से कम एक से डेढ़ महीने का समय लगेग ा।
source : NBT
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NEFOMA is meeting with CREDAI Vice- President Mr. Anil Sharma on difference issues. .....so you are requested to give details of the demand letters you got from builders. You can send on admin@nefoma.org
or contact : http://nefoma.wordpress.com/
Mention .....1) Builder's name, 2) amount of demand (% also), 3) Whether interest is charged
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We got a reply from CREDAI .... that they are meeting next week on NE problems. As demanded by us, they agreed on issuing guidelines to all builders regarding demand letter and interest issues. We have received following message from CREDAI .
This is to inform you that the office bearers of CREDAI are traveling. In any case there would be a meeting next week to formulate some sort of guidelines for this issue and accordingly we will revert back on this matter.
Thanks & Regards
Sushant Gupta
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We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) had a meeting with Palm Olympia Partner Mr. Madan Lal along with other officials regarding their demand letter with interest issue.
We Nefoma reprented by Mr. Annu Khan (Vice President) , Devender Kumar (Founder) and Indrish Gupta (Dy. Director).
Around 300 flat owners protested against their demand letters. But Mr. Madan Lal didn't agreed on their demand of withdrawal of demand letter.
Mr. Madan Lal said if you didn't pay the interest, then he will convert their Flexi plan into Construction Link Plan (CLP), means the difference of Rs.150/- PSF. (approx. 2 Lac).
After protest by Flat Owners and Nefoma, Mr. Madan adreed that he will obey the ruling of CREDAI regarding the demand letters and interest.
But we argued, No other builder had issued such letter, then why their co. issued this demand letter. But Mr. Madan didn't agreed on
withdrwal of the letter. So we all shouted the anti Palm Olympia slogan and walk out of the meeting.
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GREATER NOIDA: A fortnight after Allahabad High Court's order on land acquisition in Noida and Greater Noida, the status of projects in these areas remains far from clear.
While all stakeholders had hailed the order at the time, the initial euphoria has died down as all construction activity remains stalled. Greater Noida Authority's direction to builders to not resume work till issues pertaining to changes in Master Plan-2021 are resolved, has again shook the confidence of both developers and thousands of homebuyers.
Developers say there is not much they can do in the current scenario. Following Monday's directions to halt work, developers like Amrapali and Supertech, who have multiple projects underway in the Noida Extension-Greater Noida area, have informed their investors.
"The Authority will be communicating with the NCR Planning Board within a week and we think buyers will have to wait for around a month before the whole issue gets sorted out," said Anil Sharma, CMD of Amrapali Group. "We have stopped all construction work in the area for now and are awaiting the Authority's directions on the next step," said RK Arora, chairperson of Supertech.
After NCRPB approves the changes to the master plan, the developers will take up their concerns about accumulated interests on installments, increase in floor-area ratio etc with the Authority. At a press meet last week, the developers' organization CREDAI had said that developers were willing to bear the accumulated interest on bank loans, they would want GNIDA to waive off the interest on their installments.
Meanwhile, several buyers' associations of Noida Extension-Greater Noida have scheduled a meeting with CREDAI for next week to seek clarifications and answers to their queries. "Most developers have conveyed to the homebuyers the Authority's directions to stop construction work in the area. What can we do in such a situation but wait and watch?" said Abhishek Kumar, who has booked a flat in Supertech's Eco Village-II project.
The Noida Extension-Greater Noida area has at least 50 private housing projects under construction. Bookings have been made for around 100,000 housing units in different sectors. At least 70% of these housing units have been financed by banks and other financial institutions. In all, 2.5 lakh houses are planned in the area and bookings worth Rs 20,000 crore have been made already, developers claim. The total worth of these houses is around Rs 50,000 crore and an investment of roughly Rs 1,500 crore has already been made.
Vandana KeelorVandana Keelor, TNN
While all stakeholders had hailed the order at the time, the initial euphoria has died down as all construction activity remains stalled. Greater Noida Authority's direction to builders to not resume work till issues pertaining to changes in Master Plan-2021 are resolved, has again shook the confidence of both developers and thousands of homebuyers.
Developers say there is not much they can do in the current scenario. Following Monday's directions to halt work, developers like Amrapali and Supertech, who have multiple projects underway in the Noida Extension-Greater Noida area, have informed their investors.
"The Authority will be communicating with the NCR Planning Board within a week and we think buyers will have to wait for around a month before the whole issue gets sorted out," said Anil Sharma, CMD of Amrapali Group. "We have stopped all construction work in the area for now and are awaiting the Authority's directions on the next step," said RK Arora, chairperson of Supertech.
After NCRPB approves the changes to the master plan, the developers will take up their concerns about accumulated interests on installments, increase in floor-area ratio etc with the Authority. At a press meet last week, the developers' organization CREDAI had said that developers were willing to bear the accumulated interest on bank loans, they would want GNIDA to waive off the interest on their installments.
Meanwhile, several buyers' associations of Noida Extension-Greater Noida have scheduled a meeting with CREDAI for next week to seek clarifications and answers to their queries. "Most developers have conveyed to the homebuyers the Authority's directions to stop construction work in the area. What can we do in such a situation but wait and watch?" said Abhishek Kumar, who has booked a flat in Supertech's Eco Village-II project.
The Noida Extension-Greater Noida area has at least 50 private housing projects under construction. Bookings have been made for around 100,000 housing units in different sectors. At least 70% of these housing units have been financed by banks and other financial institutions. In all, 2.5 lakh houses are planned in the area and bookings worth Rs 20,000 crore have been made already, developers claim. The total worth of these houses is around Rs 50,000 crore and an investment of roughly Rs 1,500 crore has already been made.
Vandana KeelorVandana Keelor, TNN
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GREATER NOIDA: Early resumption of construction at Noida Extension's housing projects is now ruled out as Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) has ordered builders to keep work on hold till the court-mandated approvals are obtained. While the Authority did not say how much time the process would take, sources told TOI it would take at least a month.
Delivering its 'Diwali gift' order of October 21 that ended months of uncertainty about the fate of these housing projects and 20,000 buyers, Allahabad High Court had made it clear that development in the area would be subject to clearance of GNIDA's Master Plan 2021 by NCR Planning Board (NCRPB).
After meeting some property developers on Monday, GNIDA CEO Rama Raman ordered a halt to any ongoing construction till the "matter is sorted out". The stay applies to projects in Noida Extension and other parts of Greater Noida. No approvals or completion certificates will be issued during this period.
Raman said the Authority had initiated formalities, and "details of all changes made in the (master) plan had been sent to the government for approval, and the state would forward the same to NCRPB". He added GNIDA was "hopeful of getting the required nod soon", but denied it had received any notice from the Board to halt construction. "It is not NCRPB's prerogative to issue any such notice to the Authority."
Raman said the Authority was required to inform NCRPB of changes to its Master Plan but it did not necessarily need the Board's approval. "According to the state's norms regarding Master Plan approval, any change in the plan must be in conformity with the NCRPB (guidelines). Changes in MP-2021 were incorporated way back in 2007, and at the time we had informed NCRPB," he said, adding that changes made in keeping with NCRPB guidelines could be got approved by the state government.
Raman said GNIDA would also seek HC's clarification on the order that seemed based on "a previous Allahabad High Court judgment of 1996 that directed the corresponding NCRPBs of all states to consult the federal agency".
The construction stay applies to projects in Noida Extn and other parts of Greater Noida.
Delivering its 'Diwali gift' order of October 21 that ended months of uncertainty about the fate of these housing projects and 20,000 buyers, Allahabad High Court had made it clear that development in the area would be subject to clearance of GNIDA's Master Plan 2021 by NCR Planning Board (NCRPB).
After meeting some property developers on Monday, GNIDA CEO Rama Raman ordered a halt to any ongoing construction till the "matter is sorted out". The stay applies to projects in Noida Extension and other parts of Greater Noida. No approvals or completion certificates will be issued during this period.
Raman said the Authority had initiated formalities, and "details of all changes made in the (master) plan had been sent to the government for approval, and the state would forward the same to NCRPB". He added GNIDA was "hopeful of getting the required nod soon", but denied it had received any notice from the Board to halt construction. "It is not NCRPB's prerogative to issue any such notice to the Authority."
Raman said the Authority was required to inform NCRPB of changes to its Master Plan but it did not necessarily need the Board's approval. "According to the state's norms regarding Master Plan approval, any change in the plan must be in conformity with the NCRPB (guidelines). Changes in MP-2021 were incorporated way back in 2007, and at the time we had informed NCRPB," he said, adding that changes made in keeping with NCRPB guidelines could be got approved by the state government.
Raman said GNIDA would also seek HC's clarification on the order that seemed based on "a previous Allahabad High Court judgment of 1996 that directed the corresponding NCRPBs of all states to consult the federal agency".
The construction stay applies to projects in Noida Extn and other parts of Greater Noida.
Ayesha ArvindAyesha Arvind, TNN