Buyers want action to avoid future obstacles

Ayaskant Das, TNN | Jun 16, 2012, 03.24AM IST

NOIDA: Intensifying their campaign against Greater Noida Authority, homebuyers of Noida Extension on Friday wrote to the chairman, Rakesh Bahadur, requesting him to ensure early clearance of Master Plan 2021. Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) have asked for immediate settlement of issues related to farmers' compensations to avoid complications so that construction of flats can resume once the plan is cleared.

Homebuyers have highlighted the objections raised by NCRPB and asked the Authority to rectify them. "NCRPB has objections regarding population density and recreational green area. We requested the chairman to ensure that things pointed out be incorporated in the Master Plan," said Devender Kumar, founder of NEFOMA.

The planning board has raised objections to the provisions proposed by the Authority on projected population density of Greater Noida. The Authority, through its letter dated May 18 to NCRPB had proposed that "the density of group housing flats sold has been increased from 350 people per hectare (pph) to 700 pph and in the remaining unsold residential areas, the density proposed is 1,650 pph." The Authority had further written, "The effect of this will be that by 2031 the population shall increase to 28 lakh, as per study done by a consultant. The town density then shall become 126 pph."

The population of Greater Noida, since its inception in 1991, has grown to around 1.3 lakh in a period of more than 20 years, even though the projected population for 2011 was 12.5 lakh. The planning board has raised doubts on claims made by the Authority that population would increase to 28 lakh by 2031.

The issue of land acquired vis-a-vis projected population of Greater Noida has also been raised in a PIL due to be filed by farmers. "Projecting a population of 12.5 lakh by 2021, the Authority acquired massive tracts of land. While population did not cross the 1.5 lakh mark, land acquired from farmers was sold to developers, thereby turning Greater Noida into a vast speculative property market," said farmers' counsel, Parmindera Bhati. "As its population did not grow to match its claims made in Master Plan 2021, the Authority is now trying to justify its case on the basis of projected population figures for 2031," he added.

While the Authority has modified the green area cover in the draft Master Plan, marking 'Institutional Green' as a separate category, the planning board has raised objections to this change too.


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