We are very happy to inform you that NCRPB declare the meeting on 28th June'2012. Pls don't forget today is Sunday still NCRPB declare the date. It's a result of Press Conference .

We NEFOMA and Kisan Sangarsh Samiti decided to work together to get approval for Noida Extension from NCRPB .After the approval we buyers will decide the further course of action in the meeting....NEFOMA is supporting Kisan Sangarsh Samiti only for the decision given by the high court of the state...but farmers should have only one initiative and then we will support.....

 dear members, just dont panic ...our first and the most important need is the approval by NCRPB.. so plz be concentrated on this.

 Team Nefoma.


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NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

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