We Nefoma represented by Mr. Devender Kumar (Founder), Mr. Abhishek Kumar (President), Ms. Shweta Bharti, (Gen. Sec.), Annu Khan (Vice President), Vijay Trivedi (Director) and Mr. Indrish Gupta (Dy. Director). Some of our demands and their reply as under:
What is the exact position of this case, where is the file right now.
What is the procedure of NCRPB approval and how much time it will take, what actions you are taking to speed-up the procedure
He replied, he cannot give any assurance in regard, but he said they are filing for review petition in HC in this week. He also said as NCRPB is under Central Govt., they are trying their best to resolve the matter as soon as possible. He said the NE File is in NCRPB Office and it will take minimum one month time for approval.
After increase in FAR, some of the builders are changing their layout plans, what actions you are planning to take in this regard.
For any change in lay-out/ extra floors, the builders have to get approval from GNA, but no builder have approached them in this regard.
As you may know, some of the builders are issuing demand letters, what actions you are taking as a greater Noida CEO to stop this illegal demands.
He said he cannot give instructions to builders in this regard. This matter have to be resolved between builders and buyers themselves.
When we ask Mr. Rama Raman, we want early solution of this problem, as we are the biggest looser in this whole battle and we are going for Protest March on 17th Dec., he get angry and said, we are not afraid of any protest and Dharna. (B’coz he knows the buyers are not united as the farmers are)
So we request all Noida Extension Flat buyers on behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) to participate in Protest Rally on 17th December at Noida entry point 3.00 PM (Gautam Budh Statue)