We would like to point out some issue which are still require to be removed from the way, for a better future.


As we all know that the some petitions of the farmers are pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India as Special Leave petition against the Judgement passed by the Hon’ble High Court of Allahabad. Technically the Order of the Hon’ble High Court was passed with a view to resolve the issue by mediation with the Noida Authority, Farmers, Builders & Buyers and accordingly thereafter all the activities are persuading by NOIDA Authority.

The fact behind this is that the Land acquisition process adopted by the Government was never appreciated by the Hon’ble High Court and being the reason thereof the SLP is pending before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.

As per sources, we, (buyers) is not a party in any of this petition to pray before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and bring the correct facts about the Buyers of the Noida Extension. Undisputedly, we are the main effected parties who had invested a lot of our hard earning for our dreams. Please note, once the hearing of the petition will over and if we could not raise our hands before the Hon’ble Supreme Court to look after the interest of the buyers also then we may loose what we are expecting.


The next issue shall come immediately after resolving first issue in our favour i.e. In respect of the hike in prices, Please note as this issue is lying between the authority and builder but there is no undertaking given by any of the builder to not to hike the prices of the existing buyers in future and after resolving the point no.1 they may be decline, compromise with the quality, or demanding enhance money to complete the Flat in all respect.

Please note these above are the basic issues and various other issues may also come in the timeline.

we hereby request to all the members of the NEFOMA to be unite all times and first of all raise your hands on the issue no.1 which is immediately required to pay attention.

BY Mr.Sajeev Srivastava
Advocate Supreme Court Of India.


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NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

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