We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) had a meeting with Palm Olympia Partner Mr. Madan Lal along with other officials regarding their demand letter with interest issue.
We Nefoma reprented by Mr. Annu Khan (Vice President) , Devender Kumar (Founder) and Indrish Gupta (Dy. Director).
Around 300 flat owners protested against their demand letters. But Mr. Madan Lal didn't agreed on their demand of withdrawal of demand letter.

Mr. Madan Lal said if you didn't pay the interest, then he will convert their Flexi plan into Construction Link Plan (CLP), means the difference of Rs.150/- PSF. (approx. 2 Lac).

After protest by Flat Owners and Nefoma, Mr. Madan adreed that he will obey the ruling of CREDAI regarding the demand letters and interest.

But we argued, No other builder had issued such letter, then why their co. issued this demand letter. But Mr. Madan didn't agreed on
withdrwal of the letter. So we all shouted the anti Palm Olympia slogan and walk out of the meeting.



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NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

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