During the meeting with Mr. Rama Raman, CEO, GNIDA ,he told us that he had a meeting with Ms Naini Jaisheelan, secreatary,NCRPB on 15th May and cleared all objections regarding master plan with her.She assured him to pass it very soon. But unfortunately she had to go to out of country ( Harward for a training prog) and she instructed Mr Rajeev Malhotra, Chief Regional Planner, NCRPB to work on this. But we all observed that file was lying there at NCRPB since then.
We doubt.......This may be a payoff case........

As Ms Naini Jaisheelan, secreatary,NCRPB has come back, Mr Rama Raman will meet her on Monday with reply letter dated 15.6.2012 to objection made on 6.6.2012 by NCRPB .The letter was also shown to us in our meeting.He also told us that Ms Naini Jaisheelan is very serious about approving the master plan. So, lets see what happens next.......

We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) had a Meeting with Mr. Rama Raman, CEO(GNIDA) at his residence. Members who were present in the meeting were Mr. Devender Kumar (Chairman), Mr. Abhishek Kumar (President), Mr. Indrish Gupta (Co-Founder ), Ms. Shweta Bharti, (Gen. Sec.), Mr. Annu Khan (Vice President), Vijay Trivedi (Dy.Chairman) and Mr. Ravinder Jain were also present in the meeting.

We raised question regarding Master Plan 2021 file, as it was sent back to GNIDA by NCRPB. In reply to us, he cleared all our doubts.

1. First of all he said that file is still at NCRPB. Only one objection letter dated 6.6.12 sent to Housing Dept. (UP Govt). The objection that GNIDA has sent MP 2021 file is Wrong, as it has been cleared by them in their previous letters. Copy of the letters is shown to us. (which will be given to us on Monday at their office against RTI filed by us).
2. Objection regarding Green Area and Population Density is also been cleared by GNIDA in previous correspondences.
3. According to our meeting and papers shown to us, it is very cleared that the Delay in approval is intentional and due to political reasons only. And have nothing to do with the reasons shown in the letters.
4. Mr. Rama Raman said he will reply to objection letter of NCRPB in meeting with Ms. Naini Jaiseelan on Monday. The reply letter was ready with date of 15.6.2012. Letter was also shown to us.


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NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

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