Today Team Nefoma consists of Mr. Devender Kumar (Founder), Mr. Abhishek Kumar (President), Mr. Vijay Trivedi (Director), Mr. Annu Khan (Vice President), Mr. Indrish Gupta (Co-Founder), Ms. Shweta Bharti (General Secretary) and Mr. Ajay Kumar, Mr. Sanjay Naiwal, Mr. Chetan Tyagi and 25 other members goes to NCRPB office and meet Ms. Naini Jayaseelam (Member Secretary, NCRPB) and enquired about the status of Greater Noida Master Plan 2021.
a) Meeting was good with Member Secretary of NCRPB , She was very much Sympathetic with Buyers problems and very much keen to solve this problems. She said …. NCRPB received complete Greater Noida Master Plan 2021 in January 2012, and the delay done by U P Government itself.
b) First Greater Noida Master Plan 2021 will be tabled in the planning committee, if approved then it will be tabled in the Board meeting, then only it will be approved.
c) Although she does not give any deadline for the approval of Master Plan, but she said it will be done very soon within 3-4 months. By saying this she is testing the patience of Noida Extension Flat buyers. Now if approval does not come in next 2 months, then Nefoma is planning for some big protest at Greater Noida Authority and NCRPB office.
d) Member Secretary Ms. Naini Jayaseelam does not knows the location of Noida Extension ….. but she is the head of NCRPB…. How unfortunate.
e) Nefoma Team members Mr. Abhishek Kumar (President), and Mr. Indrish Gupta (Co-Founder) along with 4 other members filed the RTI for :
1 What is the procedure of Greater Noida Master Plan 2021 approval from NCRPB and how much time it will take, what actions you are taking to speed-up the procedure.
2. What is the exact position of this case, where is the file right now.
3. What are the reasons of delay in approval of Greater Noida Master Plan 2021 from NCRPB.
So we request all affected people of Noida Extension flat Buyers to join Nefoma.
On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)
Shweta Bharti
Gen. Secretary
Date: 23rd January, 2012
Mobile: 9268264764, 9958082973, 8595071867, 9818151814, 9968395398, 9716025786