NEFOMA /Protest/ Notice for postponment
NF. No. 258-I (50)/2012-Exo/5
Noida Extension Flat Owners & Members Association

Noida,Sec-9,Utter Pradesh
                                                  Dated 27th December, 2012
Subject:- Protest/Meeting of  Noida Extension Flat Owners against
                  Exotica Dremville is Postponed.

Reference Exotica Builders letter  dated 27th December, 2012 on the above subject matter.
The meeting /Protest scheduled for 29th of  December , 2012 at 12.00 p.m. at  H-63,Sector 63 ,Noida ,stands postponed.   Next date for the meeting will be intimated in due course.

( Sanjeev Srivastava)
Secretary & Legal Adviser 

High Handedness and High Headedness of the Greater NOIDA Development Authority

The Greater NOIDA Authority is solely responsible and answerable to thousands of harassed flat allottees and cheated farmers. Yet not an iota of remorse or guilt is evident in the style of functioning of Greater Noida Authority. The authority should

immediately act on the following in public interest:-

(i) The authority must immediately issue and publish in leading newspapers (in fact direct the builders to publish with their brochures also) a White Paper on the status of each and every Group Housing Project at NOIDA Extension indicating clearly (a) the percentage of the land of that plot which is clear from litigation (b) the status of lease deed and the amount of money deposited by the builder (c) the status of map approvals (d) the liability of compensation yet to be paid (land plus cash) with regard to that plot and a timeframe within which the same will be cleared (e) the maximum FAR allowed. This will go a long-way in clearing the confusion and anxiety in the minds of flat owners and the farmers. This will prevent thousands of gullible people to fall prey to scheming machinations of builders and their agents.

(ii) The Authority must immediately allocate, demark and publicly display on the revised Master-Plan 2021 the 25% land that needs to be used for housing for EWS/LIG as per guidelines of NCRP Board. The urban poor must get its dues. This is necessary so as to prevent the robbery of the legitimate right of the needy by the ever greedy builder lobby. If this section of society is not given its dues than it will become very difficult for all authorities to curb the mushrooming of unauthorized colonies and this region too will have to face the scrooge of unauthorized development as Delhi is witnessing today. Infact the authority should undertake to build low cost housing on this 25% land for EWS/LIG (on its own or through bonafide govt construction agencies like NBCC, UP Rajya Nirman , PWD etc) so that the planned development of the region is maintained and dues of every section of the society be taken care of.

(iii) It should instruct the builders to allow the transfer of already allotted units (builders are demanding 60% payments before allowing transfer) when the builder himself is allowed to transfer his entire Group Housing plot when he has so far just paid 10% cost to authority.

(iv) Builders are booking flats in excess of 2.75 FAR, this should be prohibited by the authority through public warning and notice to the builders immediately as in their sheer greed the builders will even sell those units which may never see the light of the day thereby cheating thousands of families of their life time savings.

(v) It should vehemently curb speculation/rumors/dealings that are so rampant in the entire NOIDA-Greater NOIA region as on date regarding impending NEW ALLOTMENTS of GROUP HOUSING. This rumor is causing heartburn and anxiety in the minds of the farmers whose dues and compensation have still not been cleared, it causes anxiety in minds of flat allottees as they fear that the builder will arm-twist him for payments so as to enable the builder to participate in fresh rounds of allotment (public loot), this causes worry among the banks about the sustainability and viability of the projects and their bankability. Authority should see to it that no new allotments of group-housing plots be done till the old disputes are resolved. How will the authority allot more land when it says it has no land to give to the farmers in lieu of compensation?

(vi) Continuous protests and disturbances point to the frustration and anxiety among farmers for early resolution of dispute and payment of dues. The recent admitting of SPL by Honorable Supreme Court of India even after land acquisition of 36 years in the Noida City Center case points to impending doom if the petition of farmers challenging acquisition of land at Noida Extension be decided in favor of the farmers by the Honorable Supreme Court? The authority but show statesmanship and make all efforts to reach to every individual farmer group(s) and settle the issues there and then. This must be done on war-footing and the present strategy of the authority to wear-out to tire-out the farmer in the legal battle is totally counter-productive.

(vii) Authority should try and instill confidence among the banks about its intention and planning and should see to it that the projects in Noida Extension be made bankable at the earliest.

The entire logjam will not be resolved till the projects are legally cleared and made bankable and the finished products be made available at reasonable price and the greed by controlled at the earliest. Authority should take into confidence the common man for the common man is a willing partner in the progress of the region in general and is the only loyal partner that authority can get at this critical juncture. Yet the authority chooses to protect the benefit of the already moneyed and greedy builder lobby at the expense of the common man and the farmers. (parichowk)

Today, we Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) & some Flat Owners had a Meeting with Mr. Manoj Gaur, Precident CREDAI NCR and M.D. Gaursons India and we discussed the following issues within their company Gaur City
1 and Gaur City 2 and in general talked upon issues of Greater Noida West.

We discussed following major issues within Gaur City:

Cancellation done by Gaur City on 10% or more of BSP paid even loan was sanctioned.
Interest demand.
Interest demand of Zero period.
FAR, NOC and layout change.
Possession date.

On the above point they replied us the following:

All buyers are treated as defaulter who has not paid their demand issued before June 1st 2011.
All cancellation done by Gaur City are being considered for revival based upon genuine cases in which customer was really willing to continue his flat. Also if loan was sanctioned/in process, but demand was not paid due to bank disbursement those cases are also considered for revival.
Interest is being demanded by Gaur from the defaulter buyers.
Interest demand of Zero period from defaulter buyers.
FAR, NOC and layout change is there on gaur city but that is needed for the company.
Possession date will be increased by approximate 22 months from last committed date.

For general Mr. Manoj Gaur talked as CREDAI NCR President, assured us that their association will take appropriate action against CREDAI NCR members who don’t follow the guidelines of associations. But for that they have some procedures on the basic of that they can take action. NEFOMA will guide to its members to follow that procedure against those builders so that CREDAI NCR heads can take appropriate action against those builders.

‘Give housing project details on websites’
By Purusharth Aradhak, TNN | Dec 4, 2012, 02.41 AM IST

GREATER NOIDA: Agitating homebuyers on Monday came down heavily on the three development authorities of Gautam Budh Nagar alleging that even though several of them have been cheated, action is only being taken on select developers. The buyers have again demanded that all developers upload project NOC

and other important papers on the official website of the authorities.

The buyers alleged that there is nexus between the Authority and developers. "Whenever we go to the authorities' offices, officials never share the details of the projects. The reluctance of authority officials raises a suspicion of their intentions," said Vijay Trivedi of NEFOMA.

"The Yamuna Expressway Authority had assured us that it will upload the status of housing projects in their area, but nothing was done in this regard," said Vijay Gupta, member Assocham.

The developers' body has also appealed to bring about transparency. "The Authority should upload project details as it will help both them and the homebuyers. The developers fraternity should also come up on their own and give out details in a transparent manner," said RK Arora, vice president, CREDAI (Western UP).

Date : 02-12-2012
बिसरख थाना अध्यक्ष नें नेफ़ोमा कि शिकायत पर की बिल्डर के खिलाफ़ कार्यवाही ।

पिछले कुछ दिनो से लगातार बिल्डर्स द्भारा फ़्लैट बाँयर्स के साथ धोखा-धड़ी के मामले सामने आ रहे है । ताजा मामले में ग्रैटर नोएडा वेस्ट ( नोएडा एक्स्टेंशन ) के देविका गोल्ड होम्स नामक प्रोजेक्ट्स में फ़्लैट बुक कराने वाले फ़्लैट आँनर्स ने नेफ़ोमा के साथ , एक बार फ़िर बिसरख थाने पँहुच कर नई शिकायत दर्ज कराई । ज्ञा

त हो पिछले सप्ताह भी बँहुत से फ़्लैट बाँयर्स ने बिसरख थाने में देविका बिल्डर के खिलाफ़ रिपोर्ट दर्ज करायी थी । नेफ़ोमा के अध्यक्ष अन्नू खान नें फ़्लैट आँनर्स के साथ बिसरख थाने पँहुच कर थानाअध्यक्ष श्री अरुण कुमार से बिल्डर के खिलाफ़ कार्यवाही करने का आग्रह किया । अन्नू खान का कहना था कि बिल्डर नें एक से दो साल पहले फ़्लैट बुक करा चुके फ़्लैट बाँयर्स के फ़्लैट यह कह कर कैंसल कर दिये कि उन्होने मांगा गया पैसा नही दिया है । जबकी फ़्लैट बाँयर्स का कहना था कि वो पहले ही 30 से 40% पैसा बिल्डर को दे चुके है ,अब बिल्डर फ़िर से इतने ही पैसे की मांग कर रहा है । जबकि बिल्डर नें जमीन पर एक फ़ावड़ा तक नही चलाया है । इसके अलावा फ़्लैट आँनर्स द्भारा ग्रैटर-नोएडा अथोरिटी में लगाई गई एक आर.टी.आई. के जवाब में आँथोरिटी ने यह साफ़ किया है कि देविका बिल्डर अथोरिटी से डिफ़ाल्टर है, क्योकि बिल्डर द्भारा आँथोरिटी को अभी तक मांगी गई किस्ते अदा नही की गई है । इसके अलावा इस प्रोजेक्ट्स पर कोई भी बैंक लोन देने के लिये भी तैयार नही है ।

थाना अध्यक्ष श्री अरुण कुमार ने अपनी तफ़्तीश में पाया कि देविका बिल्डर ने शिकायत दर्ज होने के बाद अपने प्रोजेक्ट को बिल्सट्री नामक चैनल पार्टनर की साहयता से बेचना शुरु कर दिया है इस जबकी इसकी जानकारी फ़्लैट बाँयर्स को नही दी गई है । इससे पहले चैनल पार्टनर का कही कोई जिक्र नही था ।

थाना अध्यक्ष नें नेफ़ोमा की शिकायत पर बिल्डर के खिलाफ़ तुरंत कार्यवाही करते हुऎ उनके अधिकारियो को थाने में उपस्थित होने का आदेश दिया । लेकिन बिल्डर नें मामले को लटकाने की कौशिश करते हुऎ आने से इन्कार कर दिया , जिसपर थाना अध्यक्ष नें साईट पर मौजूद चैनल पार्टनर ,बिल्श्ट्री के चार लोगो को हिरासत मे लेकर पूछताछ शुरु कर दी । इसके अलावा मामले की हल होने तक ,बिल्डर के स्टाँल को भी पुलिस कर्मियो की साहयता से हटवा दिया गया ।

नेफ़ोमा नें थाना अध्यक्ष द्भारा की गई कार्यवाही पर संतोष व्यक्त किया और फ़्लैट आँनर्स के फ़्लैट , वापस मिलने तक उनके साथ खड़े रहने का संकल्प दोहराया ।

Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) today threatened to launch agitation against a private developer to protest against its alleged decision to cancel flat allocations of some owners.

NEFOMA representatives today m
et the affected families whose flat allocations were cancelled by the builder, and assured them to fight for their cause.

"We are planning protest at builders site from December 10 if they do not call back the cancellation letters," said NEFOMA member Anu Khan.Khan said the city magistrate has ordered to issue notice to the builder seeking status of all cancellations with proof, and also asked the company management to meet him on December 6. 
Source : Press Trust of India / Noida December 01, 2012, 22:25


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NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

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