Press Release

We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) protested at CREDAI National office at   ,National Secretariat 703, AnsalBhawan,16,Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001 at 11 am against builders illegal demands/Cancellation letters ,demanding interest.  Around hundreds of flat buyers participated in this protest.
When we reached in their office no officer was willing to meet us, Lift was stopped by order of the CREDAI officials. After 15 minutes debate ,they allow us to meet the officers under Police and media presence. 

After buyers  agitation , GM CREDAI National ,Mr. Subhashish Ghoshal, agreed to meet us. We raised question regarding  Cancellation /interest & Demands letters.

He said, builders should follow the CREDAI rules & if any builder will not follow our guidelines ,  we’ll cancel their membership.

He ringed to Mr.Anil Sharma & clear all confusion related to 10% booking. As you know Companies like the Supertech Limited, Gaur Sons,Palm Olympia (Sam India Abhimanyu Housing ) and Earth Infrastructure Limited are trying to make more profits by canceling the booking of existence buyers on the pretext of not being paid an amount of 10 per cent of BSP (Basic Sale Price). We brought it to their attention that time before land low started due to market competition some of the builders received only token amount to grab the booking, now they are also canceling booking by showing 10% less, NEFOMA requested him if 10 % booking amount is compulsory, than why they received such amount in the name of “BOOKING”. Hundreds of buyers are complaining that they were not given any prior notice and the cancellation of their flats was done by the builders arbitrarily to earn profits on enhance prices of flats in the area now.

Mr.Anil Sharma cleared all confusion regarding 10% booking amount . He said we’ll consider only 10% of BSP ( basic sale price ) . We’ll not cancel any flat of those buyers who had paid 10% of BSP ( Basic Sale Price )

On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)

Rashmi Pandey
Gen. Secretary
Date: 21st  September, 2012

Press Release

We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) protested at CREDAI National office at   ,National Secretariat 703, AnsalBhawan,16,Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001 at 11 am against builders illegal demands/Cancellation letters ,demanding interest.  Around hundreds of flat buyers participated in this protest.
When we reached in their office no officer was willing to meet us, Lift was stopped by order of the CREDAI officials. After 15 minutes debate ,they allow us to meet the officers under Police and media presence. 

After buyers  agitation , GM CREDAI National ,Mr. Subhashish Ghoshal, agreed to meet us. We raised question regarding  Cancellation /interest & Demands letters.

He said, builders should follow the CREDAI rules & if any builder will not follow our guidelines ,  we’ll cancel their membership.

He ringed to Mr.Anil Sharma & clear all confusion related to 10% booking. As you know Companies like the Supertech Limited, Gaur Sons,Palm Olympia (Sam India Abhimanyu Housing ) and Earth Infrastructure Limited are trying to make more profits by canceling the booking of existence buyers on the pretext of not being paid an amount of 10 per cent of BSP (Basic Sale Price). We brought it to their attention that time before land low started due to market competition some of the builders received only token amount to grab the booking, now they are also canceling booking by showing 10% less, NEFOMA requested him if 10 % booking amount is compulsory, than why they received such amount in the name of “BOOKING”. Hundreds of buyers are complaining that they were not given any prior notice and the cancellation of their flats was done by the builders arbitrarily to earn profits on enhance prices of flats in the area now.

Mr.Anil Sharma cleared all confusion regarding 10% booking amount . He said we’ll consider only 10% of BSP ( basic sale price ) . We’ll not cancel any flat of those buyers who had paid 10% of BSP ( Basic Sale Price )

On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)

Rashmi Pandey
Gen. Secretary
Date: 21st  September, 2012

As you know that builders are continuously sending the cancellation letter to their buyers which is ridiculous even though the banks has not started to approve the new loans as well as to disburse the next amount of the loan. Builders have started playing a new game they are sending the demand/cancellation letters to the buyer.
In this regard NEFOMA are going to organize a Protest against




National Secretariat
703, Ansal Bhawan,
16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.

on 21st September '2012 ,Friday at 11.00 AM.

We, Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) are working for the rights of all Noida Extension flat buyers. Some of our demands are :

1. Don’t raise demand letters until projects are bankable.

Buyers are suffering from last two year with mantel tension, paying EMI to the bank, paying rent and other expenses they are already in huge financial losses, further till the banks not start funding/ Home loan in this area (Noida Extension) till than no demand raise by builder because 90% buyers are depend on Banks Loan.

2. No cancellation letter to Existing buyers .

Companies like the Supertech Limited, Gaur Sons,Palm Olympia (Sam India Abhimanyu Housing ) and Earth Infrastructure Limited are trying to make more profits by canceling the booking of existence buyers on the pretext of not being paid an amount of 10 per cent of BSP (Basic Sale Price).We would like to your notice at that time before land low started due to market competition some of the builders received only token amount to grab the booking, now they are also canceling booking by showing 10% less, NEFOMA requested if 10 % booking amount is compulsory, than why they received such amount in the name of “BOOKING”. Hundreds of buyers are complaining that they were not given any prior notice and the cancellation of their flats was done by the builders arbitrarily to earn profits on enhance prices of flats in the area now.

3. No Interest of this delayed period

Appeal to all builders not to charge any interest to buyers for this period on delayed payment. Some of the builders are threatening, that they will convert Flexi plan into CLP plan if flat buyers not pay the amount immediately.

4. FAR Increase Impact

Explanation from builders, how will they use this increase in FAR (new towers or extra floors on towers).Before any change inform to buyers

5. Shahberi village Flat Shifting

Shifting of Shahberi village projects to undisputed area should be on same rate .

On the above point NEFOMA on behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners request to CREDAI INDIA to look into this matter very seriously at this time.


On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)

Rashmi Pandey ( 9873939572 )

Gen. Secretary

Date: 20th September, 2012

Dear Noida extension flat buyer

We, Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) are working for the rights of all Noida Extension flat buyers. Some of our demands are :

1. Don’t raise demand letters until proje
cts are bankable.
The banks are not willing to approve any further loans on any of the projects of the Noida Extension. During the booking of the flats the flat buyers told that the banks are ready to give loans and such was the cases, but due to the farmers problem the loans have been withheld by the bankers. In such case the flat buyers are not in a position to pay their further demands.

2. No Interest of this delayed period
Appeal to all builders not to charge any interest to buyers for this period on delayed payment.

3. No Change of Plan
Some of the builders are threatening, that they will convert Flexi plan into CLP plan if flat buyers not pay the amount immediately.

4. FAR Increase Impact
Explanation from builders, how will they use this increase in FAR (new towers or extra floors on towers).

5. Shahberi village Flat Shifting
Shifting of Shahberi village projects to undisputed area should be on same rate .

6. No cancellation letter to Existing buyers .

Join hands with us to step forward to solve the above mentioned problems on FACEBOOK,

Kindly send your details (Name / Mob. No./ Builder’s name/ Address) at

Kindly give your suggestions and guidelines on these issues, so that we can work more efficiently


On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)

Rashmi Pandey
Gen. Secretary
Date: 18th September, 2012

As you know that builders are continuously sending the cancellation letter to their buyers which is ridiculous even though the banks has not started to approve the new loans as well as to disburse the next amount of the loan. Builders have started playing a new game they are sending the demand/cancellation letters to the buyer.
In this regard

NEFOMA are going to organize a Protest against CREDAI .



National Secretariat
703, Ansal Bhawan,
16, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi-110 001.

on 21st September '2012 ,Friday at 11.00 AM.


आज कुछ अखवारो में यह ख़बर आने के बाद कि सी.सी.आई ( कम्पीटिश्न कमिशन आँफ़ इन्डिया ) ने उन 70 बिल्डर्स को नोटिस भेजा है जिन्होने एक तरफ़ा एग्रीमेंट द्भारा मकान के खरिदारो को परेशान किया , नेफ़ोमा ने नोएडा एक्टेंशन के बिल्डर्स की भी शिकायत करने का फ़ैसला किया । 
और इसी सन्दर्भ में आज नेफ़ोमा ने सी.सी.आई ( कम्पीटिश्न कमिशन आँफ़ इन्डिया ) को एक पत्र सौपा जिसमें बायर्स को बिल्डर्स की ओर से आ रही परेशानियो का जिक्र था । नेफ़ोमा नें अपने पत्र के माध्यम से, सी.सी.आई के चैयरमेन श्री अशोक चावला का ध्यान उन बिल्डर्स की ओर आकर्षित किया जो एक से दो साल पहले बुक किये गये फ़्लैटो को कैसंल कर रहे है । हमने उनको कुछ बिल्डर्स के नाम भी गिनाऎ जो बी.बी.ए.( बाँयर्स बिल्डर्स एग्रीमेंट ) साईन होने के बावजूद ऎसा कर रहे है । नेफ़ोमा ने पत्र में निम्न लिखित बिन्दुओ को रखा :-
1.       सुपरटेक लिमिटेड द्भारा उन बायर्स को भी केंशलेशन लेटर्स भेजे गये है जिन्होने अपने फ़्लैट का १०% बुकिंग अमाउंट दिया हुआ है । फ़्लैट बुक करते समय बाँयर्स से बी.एस.पी.( बेसिक सेल प्राइस ) का 10% मांगा गया जो कि बाँयर्स द्भारा अदा कर दिया गया । लेकिन आज एक से दो साल बाद बिल्डर् ने उन बाँयर्स को केंशलेशन लेटर भेज दिये जिन्होने बी.एस.पी. का 10% दिया है । कारण बताया गया कि आपका 10% बुकिंग अमाउंट पूरा नही है । जब बाँयर्स ने लॆटर पढ़ा तो उसमें 10% अमाउंट में बाकि सुविधाये ( कार पार्किंग,पी.एल.सी.,क्लब फ़ीस ) भी जोड़ी गई थी जिसका बिल्डर्स ने पहले जिक्र नही किया था । आज बिल्डर सुनने के लिये तैयार नही है ।
2.     अर्थ इन्फ़्रा ने उन लोगो को भी केंशलेशन लेटर भेजे है जिन्होने बुकिंग का 20-30% दिया है । जिसने 10% नही दिया उसको बताया जा रहा है कि आपको 20% देना था, और जिसने 20% दिया है उसको बताया जा रहा है कि आपको 30% देना था । सब कुछ मन माफ़िक किया जा रहा है ।
3.     पाँम आल्म्पियाँ ( सेम इन्डियां ) बाँयर्स से ब्याज की मांग कर रहा है वो भी उस समय कि जब मामला कोर्ट में लम्बिंत था । आखिर कोई बिल्डर्स कैसे उस बुकिंग पर ब्याज की मांग कर सकता है जिसका मामला कोर्ट में लम्बिंत है और जिसका उस समय कोई भविष्य नही दिखाई दे रहा हो ?
इसके अलावा कल शनिवार दिनांक 15/09/2012 शाम : 5.30 को उन बाँयर्स की एक मीटिंग जिनको केशलेशन लेटर मिले है  ,स्टार सिटी माँल , मयूर विहार फ़ेस-१, दिल्ली में बुलाई गई है । उन बाँयर्स कि परेशानियो को मिडिया के सामने रखा जायेगा ।
सी.सी.आई. ( कम्पीटिश्न कमिशन आँफ़ इन्डिया ) के आँफ़िस पँहुच कर नेफ़ोमा के जिन पदाधिकारियो ने पत्र दिया उनका नाम है :- विजय त्रिवेदी ( वाइस चैयरमैन),अन्नू खान (अध्यक्ष ), संजय नैनवाल ( उपाध्यक्ष )

All noida extension flat buyers are hereby informed that NEFOMA is organizing a meeting with Zee News for sharing buyers problems. So,if you want to share your problems with Zee News Pls come at :

Date : Saturday, September 15 , 2012
Time : 5:30 PM
Place : Star City Mall, Near Mayur Vihar Phase-1 Extn. Metro Station ,Delhi-110091

Therefore, all flat buyers are re
quested to please gather at Star City Mall, Mayur Vihar Phase-1.

(Rashmi Pandey)
General Secretary

We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) & Noida Extension Flat Owners & Members Association ( NEOMA) had a Meeting with Mr.Anil Sharma ( Vice President CREDAI) at Noida Office.As we all knows thousand of flat buyers are in dilemma because of cancellation /demand/increase rate on existing buyers. Some of the point we discussed are as under:

Anil Sharma assured on :

1. If foundation is prepared for any project then 1-2 floor could be increase in such projects. But which project did not start till now they could increase 4-5 floors.

2. If buyers deposited 10% of BSP then there will not be any cancellation. If any builder send cancellation letters then buyers should not accept that and should complaint to CREDAI

3. Within 2-3 days all the details will be given to us in written

Dear Buyers,

Today (31.08.2012) NEFOMA had a meeting with Mr Kamal Nath, Union Cabinet Minister of Urban Development, Government of India and gives a latter from Buyers side on issue of FAR and the problems which is facing from past to current.

Minister of Urban Development taken all the point in to consideration and forwarded to Secretary (Urban Development, central government) with a meeting which also going to be held in coming week. Mr. Minister also interested to meet NEFOMA again after the meeting with Secretary (Urban Development, central government).

While the talking in the meeting they said “Noida Extension is part of National Capital region and all type of development in this area must be continuing…..on the bank loan approval he said “The area is a part of NCR and Master Plan 2021 also pass by the central government, bank should continue funding in this area at present why not the bank are not approving loan, it’s matter of discussion only”


Dear Valuable Buyers,

It is to inform you that Core Members of NEFOMA & NEOMA had a joint meeting yesterday. Agenda of meeting was how to tackle the issues which we could face from Builders & Authority now post NCRPB approval. Issues could be like as below:


• New tower erection in old layout
• Addition of floors
• Prices rise for old booking
• Cancellations of booking
• Demand letters before due date etc.

Now it is high time. Real fight will start from here now, buyers now have to take charge as required legal & compliance battle is over. Government necessary intervention is done. Now Buyer’s and Associations actual work starts from here and a strong need to work together on these common issues.

Therefore in the joint meeting it has been resolved that both the Associations work jointly on the above mentioned agenda to benefit the entire NE buyer’s community. MORE PEOPLE MORE STRENGTH.

So we appeal all buyers and forum to be united. We have to fight together in strength against builder’s unethical demand, if it is raised.

All buyers are requested to send your builders related problems at in future. For more details you can contact us at 09268264764 (Devender Kumar), 09958082973 (Vijay Trivedi), 09716025786 (Annu Khan), 09313220717 (Sanjay Nailwal), 09999288689 (Dileep Kumar), 09582066341 (Pankaj Gupta), 09313447500 (Rakesh Jha), 09650105111 (Sanjay Rajput),




About this blog

NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

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