As its looks easy! was not so easy to raise our (Buyers) the HT Conclave so much crowded and lot of other's question and Anker are not giving time to our team (NEFOMA TEAM) but at last we (buyers) oppose this and we get the chance and raise buyers voice in this program............

Dear Members,
We NEFOMA has been invited in "Noida First Conclave" organized by HINDUSTAN TIMES .In this conclave,four political parties – BJP, BSP, Congress and SP will speak their plans for Noida and Noida extension.
We,buyer can raise our problem of Noida Extension in this event.
You are requested to attend the conclave in large number to add to our voice and make it a success.

Date: 20/02/2012 (Monday)

Time: 3.30 pm

Venue: Army Public School, near Shaheed Smarak, Noida,Sec 37

On Behalf of NEFOMA ,I ,Shweta Bharti Filed RTI To GNIDA regarding delay in Master Plan Approval, Land use Change
etc.I have also sent letters to CEO,GNIDA as well as Public Information Officer,GNIDA on the same context.


GREATER NOIDA: With the NCR Planning Board making it clear last month that the Noida Extension impasse will not end before March this year, the buyers, who have been slapped with cancellation notices by several developers, are now on the war path. They have filed an RTI application with the Reserve Bank of India demanding to know how the banks, both private and government, sanctioned the housing loans for Noida Extension in the first place considering that many developers confess that they had known all along that the area was disputed. The buyers claim that the banks had taken processing fees during sanctioning of their loans for these projects after ascertaining the "authenticity" of these projects and, thus, legalized the transaction.

"The projects in Noida Extension area have remained at a standstill for almost ten months now and, in the absence of the NCRPB approval to the Greater Noida Master Plan, it is unlikely that the situation will improve in the near future," said Devender Kumar, a buyer who has booked a flat with Panchsheel Greens. "The banks halted the disbursement of our loan instalments in July last year rendering one lakh middle class buyers incapable of making any further payment towards our homes. However, we know want to know how did the banks sanction loans in the first place. After all, even as individual buyers could not have ascertained the complete legality of the land sale in the area, even the banks ignored this at that time," he said.

"The banks charged us a processing fee at the time of finalizing our home loans. It seems either they had not done their homework and failed to realize that some farmers had already taken the land acquisition row to the court, or the banks too were in connivance with the developers and the authorities," alleged another buyer, Abhishek Kumar.

All construction work in the Noida Extension-Greater Noida area has been halted in accordance with a Supreme Court order. The apex court has made it mandatory for the Authority to get the changes in its Master Plan 2021 approved by the NCRPB. Meanwhile, even as banks have stopped disbursing loans to existing buyers, the latter have received demand letters from several developers asking for pending instalment and threatening cancellation of bookings otherwise.
Source :Ayesha Arvind, TNN | Feb 10, 2012, 02.05AM IST

Today on 05th Feb ' 2012, NEFOMA had a Meeting at Star City Mall in presence of large number of NE buyers. Following were the point of discussions :

1. Agenda : What will be actions by the buyers if NCRPB delays the approval of the Master Plan -2021 even after the election?

Conclusion : In such situation, the members of NEFOMA and the NE buyers agreed on making regular Dharna protests in front of the NCRPB Delhi and U.P. offices in large number.

2. Agenda : Due to non approval of Greater Noida Master Plan, the registry process is held-up in the whole Greater Noida area. The farmers too are in problem due to it. Can the buyers take the support of the farmers for early approval of Master Plan?

Conclusion : According to the buyer members, if the farmers support us (the buyers), we can definetly take it.

But the matter of concern is that whether they will really come forward for us in this matter? However, we, the buyers request the farmers through media to support us on this issue because it is for the betterment of both the farmers as well as the buyers.

3. Agenda : Should buyers file a PIL in SC in which we should make NCRPB and GNIDA as parties?

Conclusion : As per all buyers present in the meeting, we shall wait till the election result.

4. Agenda : Role of Banks in the NE projects ?

Conclusion : All the NE builders tried to convince the buyers through advertisement in newspapers that, their projects are approved from banks. Even, the bankers were seen alongwith the builders in thier advertisements, though the farmers had already filed the petition in the High Court.

According to buyers the banks had taken processing fee during sanctioning of their loans. The processing fee taken by the banks include the authenticity of the land aquisited for the development of the projects.This means the loan sanctioned / disbursed to the buyers were false. This also means that the banks were not having any information about the petition filed by the farmers for their lands. This concludes that the bankers have also ditched the buyers alongwith the builders just for the sake of their profit. So the banks should waive off the interest incurred on the buyers during the non construction period.

Apart from this, NEFOMA members have decided to file an RTI in RBI as all the banks work under the guidelines of RBI. RBI will have to clarify through our RTI "On which ground the loans have been sanctioned on such projects whose lands were disputed? Were the banks also involved in this conspiracy? Did the banks not confirmed the legality of the lands?"

Today's meeting was attended by Devender Kumar ( Founder , NEFOMA), Shweta Bharti ( Gen. Secretary ), Abhishek Kumar, Indrish Gupta, Annu Khan and Vijay Trivedi with many buyers.

Press Release :

आज दिनांक 05/02/2012 को नेफ़ोमा मैम्बर्स की मीटिंग स्टार सिटी माल हुई । जिसमें बड़ी संख्या में बायर्स ने भी हिस्सा लिया ।
इस मीटिंग में निम्नलिखित मुद्दो पर चर्चा की गई : -

१. मुद्दा : अगर एन.सी.आर. प्लानिंग बोर्ड चुनाव के बाद भी मास्टर प्लान पास करने में देरी करता है तो बायर्स को क्या करना चाहिये ?

निचोड़ : सभी मेम्बर्स से मत लेने के बाद नेफ़ोमा टीम ने फ़ैसला किया है कि अगर चुनाव के बाद भी जल्दी ही इस मामले को नही सुलझाया गया तो बायर्स बड़ी संख्या में एक्त्रित हो कर एन.सी.आर. प्लानिंग बोर्ड दिल्ली
और यू.पी. , दोनो दफ़्तरो पर लगातार धरना प्रर्दशन किया जाएगा ।

२. मुद्दा : मास्टर प्लान पास ना होने के कारण पूरे ग्रेटर नोएडा में रजिस्ट्री का काम रुका हुआ है । जिसमें बड़ी संख्या में किसान भी परेशान है ? क्या इस मुद्दे पर उनका सहयोग लिया जाये ?

निचोड़ : सभी मैम्बर्स का कहना था कि अगर किसान इस मुद्दे पर हमारी मदद करते है तो हमे जरूर उनकी मदद लेनी चाहिए लेकिन सभी का मत था कि क्या वो इस मुद्दे पर हमारे साथ आयेगें ?
इस पर सबाल बना हुआ था । फ़िर भी हम मिडिया के माध्यम से सभी ग्रेटर नोएडा के किसान भाईयो से यह निवेदन करना चाहते है कि अगर आप हमारा इस मुद्दे पर सहयोग करे तो बायर्स और ग्रेटर नोएडा के किसान , दोनो के लिये अच्छा होगा । क्योकि दोनो के हित इस से जुड़े हुऎ है ।

३. मुद्दा : क्या बायर्स को सुप्रीम कोर्ट में एक पी.आई.एल. डालनी चाहिये ? जिसमें एन.सी.आर. प्लानिंग बोर्ड और ग्रैटर नोएडा अथोरि्टी को पार्टी बनाया जाये ।

निचोड़ : सभी का मत था कि पहले चुनाव के रिजल्ट का इन्तजार किया जाये ।

४. मुद्दा : सभी प्रोजेक्टो में बैंको का रोल ?

निचोड़ : नोएडा एक्स्टेंशन में जितने भी प्रोजेक्ट्स चल रहे है लगभग सभी ने बड़े-२ अखबारो में विज्ञापन दे कर खरिदारो को यह समझाने की कौशिश की थी की उनके प्रोजेक्ट्स बैंक से अप्रूव्ड है । बाकायदा बैंको के लोगो उनके प्रोजेक्ट्स के साथ विज्ञापित हुऎ थे । जबकी किसानो ने पहले ही हाई कोर्ट में केस दायर किया हुआ था ।

सभी बायर्स का मानना था कि उनका लोन पास करने से पहले बैंको ने प्रोसेशिंग फ़ीस के नाम पर एक बड़ी रकम उनसे बसूली थी । इस रकम में वो हिस्सा भी था जिसमें कि बैंको को कानूनी तरीके से जमीन की सत्यता की जानकारी इक्टठा करना होता है । तो क्या बायर्स को लोन देने के नाम पर जो रकम वसूली गई वो गलत थी । क्या बैंको के पास यह जानकारी नही थी की किसान कोर्ट में केस डाल चुके है । अगर बैंको ने भी बिल्डर्स के साथ मिलकर सिर्फ़ अपना लाभ कमाने के चक्कर में बायर्स को ठगा है तो अब जब जमीन के अस्तित्व का ही सकंट खड़ा हो गया है तब बैंको को भी ब्याज माफ़ी का ऎलान करना चाहिये । इसके अलावा नेफ़ोमा मैम्बर्स ने यह फ़ैसला लिया है कि वो आर.बी.आई. में एक आर.टी.आई डालेगें क्योकि सभी बैंक आर.बी.आई की गाईड लाईन को मानते है । आर.बी.आई से आर.टी.आई के माध्यम से यह सबाल किया जाएगा कि आखिर किस आधार पर ऎसे प्रोजेक्ट्स पर लोन दिया गया, जिसकी जमीन पर केस चल रहा था । क्या बैंकस भी इस गोरख धंधे में शामिल थे ? क्या बैंको ने अपनी ओर से यह सुनिश्चित नही किया था कि जमीन कानूनी रूप से सुरक्षित है कि नही ?

मीटिंग में संस्था के संस्थापक देवेन्द्र कुमार के अलावा डिप्टी चैयरमेन श्री विजय त्रिवेदी , प्रेजीडेंट अभिषेक कुमार ,वाईस प्रेजीडेंट अन्नू खान , स्वेता तिवारी, इन्द्रिश गुप्ता भी शामिल थे ।


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NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

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