नोएडा एक्सटेंशन को मिली मंजूरी

नोएडा: नोएडा एक्सटेंशन में निवेश करने वाले लोगों के लिए अच्छी खबर है. एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड की संवैधानिक समिति ने नोएडा एक्सटेंशन के प्लान को कुछ शर्तों के साथ मंजूरी दे दी है.

अब इस पर आखिरी मुहर प्लानिंग बोर्ड की बैठक में लगेगी.

नोएडा एक्सटेंशन को मिली मंजूरी

इस खबर से नोएडा एक्सटेंशन में घर बुक कराने वाले करीब दो लाख निवेशकों को राहत महसूस होगी.

एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड की कानूनी समिति ने ग्रेटर नोएडा अथॉरिटी के प्लान को कुछ शर्तों के साथ मंजूरी दे दी है.

समिति ने बोर्ड से सिफारिश की है कि प्लान को मंजूरी दे दी जाए. अब इस पर आखिरी मुहर प्लानिंग बोर्ड की बैठक में लगेगी.

कुल मिलाकर कह सकते हैं कि नोएडा एक्सटेंशन में घर बनने का रास्ता साफ हो गया है. अक्टूबर 2011 में इलाहाबाद हाईकोर्ट ने किसानों और अथॉरिटी के विवाद में फैसला सुनाया था और इमारते बनाने का रास्ता साफ कर दिया था लेकिन कोर्ट ने ये भी कहा था कि पहले एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड अथॉरिटी के प्लान को मंजूरी देगा तब तक नोएडा एक्सटेंशन में काम रुका रहेगा. अब आठ महीने बाद निवेशकों को राहत की खबर मिली है.

abp news

संवाददाता, ग्रेटर नोएडा : प्राधिकरण को उम्मीद है कि शहर का मास्टर प्लान 2021 एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड से 15 जुलाई तक मंजूर हो जाएगा। निवेशकों व किसानों को थोड़ा और धैर्य रखने के लिए कहा गया है। मास्टर प्लान को लेकर एक्सटेंशन के निवेशक व किसान संयुक्त रूप से मंगलवार को एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड जाकर अधिकारियों को ज्ञापन सौपेंगे।

मास्टर प्लान मंजू र होने में हो रही देरी को देखते हुए नोएडा एक्सटेंशन के फ्लैट खरीदारों व किसानों ने एक मंच आकर आंदोलन का रास्ता अपना लिया है। एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड पर दबाव बनाने के लिए लगातार धरना-प्रदर्शन भी जारी है।

एक सप्ताह पूर्व मास्टर प्लान को लेकर ग्रेटर नोएडा प्राधिकरण के मुख्य कार्यपालक अधिकारी रमा रमण व एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड के अधिकारियों के साथ बैठक भी हुई थी, जिसमें सीईओ ने मास्टर प्लान को लेकर एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड के सामने विस्तृत रूप से जानकारी रखी थी। बोर्ड अधिकारियों की तरफ से सीईओ को आश्वासन दिया गया था कि जल्द ही मास्टर प्लान को मंजूर कर दिया जाएगा। सीईओ रमा रमण ने बताया कि 15 जुलाई तक मास्टर प्लान 2021 एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड से मंजूर हो जाएगा। मास्टर प्लान में कोई ऐसी कमी नहीं रह गई, जिसकी मंजूरी में कोई बाधा हो। उन्होंने कहा कि निवेशकों, किसानों को थोड़ा और धैर्य रखने की जरूरत है। प्राधिकरण अपने स्तर से मास्टर प्लान को मंजूर कराने के लिए पूरा प्रयास कर रहा है, इसलिए किसानों, निवेशकों सभी के सहयोग की जरूरत है।

This is to inform you that our Gypan program to NCRPB scheduled on 26th June ' 2012 has been called off reason being we have positive news regarding master plan. We shall wait for the outcome of the meeting of NCRPB dt. 28th June. Depending upon the same, we would reschedule our Progm. if required...



We are very happy to inform you that NCRPB declare the meeting on 28th June'2012. Pls don't forget today is Sunday still NCRPB declare the date. It's a result of Press Conference .

We NEFOMA and Kisan Sangarsh Samiti decided to work together to get approval for Noida Extension from NCRPB .After the approval we buyers will decide the further course of action in the meeting....NEFOMA is supporting Kisan Sangarsh Samiti only for the decision given by the high court of the state...but farmers should have only one initiative and then we will support.....

 dear members, just dont panic ...our first and the most important need is the approval by NCRPB.. so plz be concentrated on this.

 Team Nefoma.

With the continuous efforts of Nefoma team, we are please to inform all flat buyers that a Joint Press Conference on Saturday the 23rd June 2012 4 PM has been finalized by both, Kisan Sangarsh Smiti (Noida Extension) and Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA).

All Noida Extension Flat Buyers are requested to come in full strength, so that we over-number the farmers. This news will go directly to CM of U.P. and NCRPB office….. so don’t miss this event.

Joint Press Conference : Saturday the 23rd June 2012 ………. 4 PM

Place : Gole Chakkar Noida Extension (Gaur Chowk)

Nefoma Team

एनसीआर प्लानिंग कमेटी की बैठक समय पर नहीं होने के पीछे ग्रेनो प्राधिकरण की चूक को जिम्मेदार माना जा रहा है। प्राधिकरण ने बोर्ड द्वारा मांगा गया जवाब सीधे भेज दिया था, जबकि इसे प्रदेश सरकार के मार्फत जाना चाहिए था। सोमवार को प्राधिकरण ने प्रदेश सरकार को पत्र भेज दिया है। प्राधिकरण सीईओ रमा रमन का कहना है कि यह अंतिम औपचारिकता है। शीघ्र ही कमेटी की बैठक होगी, जिसमें मास्टर प्लान 2021 को हरी झंडी मिल...ने की संभावना है। सीईओ ने सोमवार को दिल्ली में एनसीआर प्लानिंग बोर्ड के अधिकारियों से मुलाकात की और पिछले दिनों बोर्ड में दिए गए किसानों के शिकायत पत्रों पर स्पष्टीकरण दिया।
पिछले दिनों एनसीआर प्लानिंग कमेटी ने शासन से सफाई मांगी थी कि नोएडा एक्सटेंशन में आने वाले समय में 12 लाख की आबादी होगी। यहां के लोगों को किस तरह सुविधाएं मिलेंगी। बिजली, पानी, सुरक्षा, सीवर, सड़क समेत तमाम जनसुविधाओं का आधार क्या होगा। इसके अलावा, एक्सटेंशन में छोटी-बड़ी मिलाकर करीब 70 ऊंची इमारतें होंगी, तो हरियाली की क्या स्थिति होगी। शासन ने पत्र प्राधिकरण को भेजा था। प्राधिकरण ने इसका जवाब सीधे प्लानिंग बोर्ड को भेजा था। इसे कमेटी ने नहीं माना और कहा कि इसे प्रदेश सरकार की भी मंजूरी मिलनी चाहिए। उसी की औपचारिकता सोमवार को पूरी कर दी गई।

Dear Members
NEFOMA is trying its level best to save the Noida Extension Dream Housing Project.For this NEFOMA has gone a level ahead and started discussing with all those farmers who too want the development of the area. We have also planned to conduct the press conference with them very soon and will try to influence as many farmers as possible.

Parallely we are putting pressure on NCRPB and GNIDA through RTI , continued letters , meetings and protest to pass the Master Plan and resolve the matter soon.

We need your cooperation and strength.



During the meeting with Mr. Rama Raman, CEO, GNIDA ,he told us that he had a meeting with Ms Naini Jaisheelan, secreatary,NCRPB on 15th May and cleared all objections regarding master plan with her.She assured him to pass it very soon. But unfortunately she had to go to out of country ( Harward for a training prog) and she instructed Mr Rajeev Malhotra, Chief Regional Planner, NCRPB to work on this. But we all observed that file was lying there at NCRPB since then.
We doubt.......This may be a payoff case........

As Ms Naini Jaisheelan, secreatary,NCRPB has come back, Mr Rama Raman will meet her on Monday with reply letter dated 15.6.2012 to objection made on 6.6.2012 by NCRPB .The letter was also shown to us in our meeting.He also told us that Ms Naini Jaisheelan is very serious about approving the master plan. So, lets see what happens next.......

We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) had a Meeting with Mr. Rama Raman, CEO(GNIDA) at his residence. Members who were present in the meeting were Mr. Devender Kumar (Chairman), Mr. Abhishek Kumar (President), Mr. Indrish Gupta (Co-Founder ), Ms. Shweta Bharti, (Gen. Sec.), Mr. Annu Khan (Vice President), Vijay Trivedi (Dy.Chairman) and Mr. Ravinder Jain were also present in the meeting.

We raised question regarding Master Plan 2021 file, as it was sent back to GNIDA by NCRPB. In reply to us, he cleared all our doubts.

1. First of all he said that file is still at NCRPB. Only one objection letter dated 6.6.12 sent to Housing Dept. (UP Govt). The objection that GNIDA has sent MP 2021 file is Wrong, as it has been cleared by them in their previous letters. Copy of the letters is shown to us. (which will be given to us on Monday at their office against RTI filed by us).
2. Objection regarding Green Area and Population Density is also been cleared by GNIDA in previous correspondences.
3. According to our meeting and papers shown to us, it is very cleared that the Delay in approval is intentional and due to political reasons only. And have nothing to do with the reasons shown in the letters.
4. Mr. Rama Raman said he will reply to objection letter of NCRPB in meeting with Ms. Naini Jaiseelan on Monday. The reply letter was ready with date of 15.6.2012. Letter was also shown to us.

Buyers want action to avoid future obstacles

Ayaskant Das, TNN | Jun 16, 2012, 03.24AM IST

NOIDA: Intensifying their campaign against Greater Noida Authority, homebuyers of Noida Extension on Friday wrote to the chairman, Rakesh Bahadur, requesting him to ensure early clearance of Master Plan 2021. Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) have asked for immediate settlement of issues related to farmers' compensations to avoid complications so that construction of flats can resume once the plan is cleared.

Homebuyers have highlighted the objections raised by NCRPB and asked the Authority to rectify them. "NCRPB has objections regarding population density and recreational green area. We requested the chairman to ensure that things pointed out be incorporated in the Master Plan," said Devender Kumar, founder of NEFOMA.

The planning board has raised objections to the provisions proposed by the Authority on projected population density of Greater Noida. The Authority, through its letter dated May 18 to NCRPB had proposed that "the density of group housing flats sold has been increased from 350 people per hectare (pph) to 700 pph and in the remaining unsold residential areas, the density proposed is 1,650 pph." The Authority had further written, "The effect of this will be that by 2031 the population shall increase to 28 lakh, as per study done by a consultant. The town density then shall become 126 pph."

The population of Greater Noida, since its inception in 1991, has grown to around 1.3 lakh in a period of more than 20 years, even though the projected population for 2011 was 12.5 lakh. The planning board has raised doubts on claims made by the Authority that population would increase to 28 lakh by 2031.

The issue of land acquired vis-a-vis projected population of Greater Noida has also been raised in a PIL due to be filed by farmers. "Projecting a population of 12.5 lakh by 2021, the Authority acquired massive tracts of land. While population did not cross the 1.5 lakh mark, land acquired from farmers was sold to developers, thereby turning Greater Noida into a vast speculative property market," said farmers' counsel, Parmindera Bhati. "As its population did not grow to match its claims made in Master Plan 2021, the Authority is now trying to justify its case on the basis of projected population figures for 2031," he added.

While the Authority has modified the green area cover in the draft Master Plan, marking 'Institutional Green' as a separate category, the planning board has raised objections to this change too.

The Chief Executive Officer
Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority,
169, Chitvan Estate, Sector Gamma,
Greater Noida – 201308 (U.P.)

Subject : Information regarding status of Master Plan 2021 approval.

Respected Sir,

We NEFOMA (Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association) represent around two lacs flat buyers of Noida Extension. Due to delay and the uncertainty of the construction work of our flats, we are under huge financial burden from last one year. We have paid our hard-earned money to builders and paying loans and interests to the banks. Most of us are living in rented house. The mental agony has become intolerable now.
Though the honorable high court in its judgment dt. 21st Oct ‘ 2011 clearly mentioned to allow the construction work in the area after taking due approval of Master Plan – 2021 from NCRPB, but the approval is yet to be cleared. In last eight months , we have observed that whenever GNIDA submits the master plan to NCRPB it returns pointing some mistake in it. As per the latest statement by NCRPB, we understand that the Master Plan was sent to NCRPB directly instead of sending it through the Urban Development Ministry, UP. Furthermore, they have also sought objection regarding density and the recreational green area and many more. In this regard we would like to request you to please take the matter very seriously and ensure that whatever have been pointed out by NCRPB should be incorporated in the Master Plan. We also request you to please discuss the matter with the UP and Central Govt. to get it resolved at the earliest.
We have been also watching the agitation of farmers through the media. Still, why the farmers are standing against the authority / builders even after announcement of an increased compensation with a part of developed land in the area. In this regard we request you to kindly complete the disbursal of compensation as early as possible to avoid any complications in the start of construction of our flats.
Finally, we would like to say that we flat buyers belong to low / middle income class. As further delay will endanger our dreams to have our homes and aggravate our financial problems too much.
We request you on behalf of all Noida Extension flat buyers to take this matter sympathetically and on priority basis resolve this issue as early as possible and make all your effort to provide us the affordable house in Noida Extension.

We buyers are eagerly waiting for your reply.


On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)

Shweta Bharti
General Secretary.
Date : 15.06.2012

This is to inform you that our Dharna program in front of GNIDA scheduled on 19th June ' 2012 has been called off. We shall wait for the outcome of the meeting with UP Govt & GNIDA. Depending upon the same, we would reschedule our Dharna if required...



Thanks to all buyers who r the real strength of NEFOMA & all have proved today by participating along with their family in the rally & specially salute to senior citizen who who participated in this hot weather.Very Very thanks to MEDIA who has covered this rally & given our message to all..................Hope this support in future from all of u & HAVE A HAPPY DREAM HOME

NCRPB के आँफ़िस में जो आर.टी.आई. लगाई गई उसका जबाव हमे एक घंटे के अन्दर दिया गया ।

We Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA) protested at NCRPB office at 10am against delay in MP2021 approval. Kamalnath and NCRPB ‘s Arthi jaloos was  started from JLN Stadium metro stn and ended at NCRPB office. Around 1000 flat buyers participated in this Rally.

When we reached in their office no officer was willing to meet us …… after 2 hours they allow us to meet the officers under Police and media presence. We also filed RTI in NCRPB and asked them ……. The status of file ……. When is the next meeting date…….. what are the objections.

MP 2021 File was lying their since 18.5.2012, after our dharna announcement , they immediately sent the MP 2021 file back to GNIDA yesterday.

On behalf of Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association (NEFOMA)

Shweta Bharti
Gen. Secretary
Date: 8th June, 2012

Buyers / members have to gather at JLN Stadium Metro Station (Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium Metro Violet Line ) on 8th June before 10 AM.

The rally / March (Juloos) will start from JLN Stadium Metro sharp at 10 am and will proceed to NCRPB office, India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road about 200 meter from Metro station. So all are requested to be present there before 10 am in large number.

Important Notice
 As we all know, we NEFOMA are going to organized protest rally on 8th June at NCRPB office against unwanted delay in Master Plan approval. In this regard we would like to draw your kind attention on the following points for the rally :

1. Buyers / members have to gather at JLN Stadium Metro Station (Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium Metro Violet Line ) on 8th June before 10 AM.

2. The rally / March (Juloos) will start from JLN Stadium Metro sharp at 10 am and will proceed to NCRPB office, India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road about 200 meter from Metro station. So all are requested to be present there before 10 am in large number. 
3.Buyers are requested to come with family. On 13th May protest at Jantar -Mantar ladies buyers had a good presence. We want the presence in multiple this time also.

4. Everybody must bring water for their own convenience as heat is at peak.

5. We request buyers not to create any type of violence and nuisance during the rally.

6. Buyers, please take half/full day leave for the protest.

For detail plz contact over following mobile numbers:

08595071867, 09958082973 ,09818151814, 09716025786 and 09268264764.

We request all buyers to come in full strength in this rally. Make this rally "AAr-Ya-Paar" .


As we all know, we NEFOMA have organized protest rally on 8th June at NCRPB office against unwanted delay in Master Plan approval. In this regard we would like to draw your kind attention on the following points for the rally :

1. Buyers / members have to gather at JLN Stadium Metro Station (Jawahar Lal Nehru Stadium Metro Violet Line ) on 8th June before 10 AM.

2. The rally / March (Juloos) will start from JLN Stadium Metro sharp at 10 am and will proceed to NCRPB office, India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road about 200 meter from Metro station. So all are requested to be present there before 10 am in large number.
3.Buyers are requested to come with family. On 13th May protest at Jantar -Mantar ladies buyers had a good presence. We want the presence in multiple this time also.

4. Everybody must bring water for their own convenience as heat is at peak.

5. We request buyers not to create any type of violence and nuisance during the rally.

6. Buyers, please take half/full day leave for the protest.

For detail plz contact over following mobile numbers:

08595071867, 09958082973 ,09818151814, 09716025786 and 09268264764.

We request all buyers to come in full strength in this rally. Make this rally "AAr-Ya-Paar" .


आज हम टीम अन्ना से कुछ सबाल करना चाहते है और उम्मीद करते है कि वो इन सबालो के जवाद दे सके ।

1. WTO कि रिपोर्ट के अनुसार आज भारत में लगभग 1,00,000 से ज्यादा किसान हर साल आत्म हत्या कर रहे है , वो कर्ज के बौझ से दवे हुऎ है । सरकार कि कोई भी स्कीम उन तक नही पहुँच पा रही है । लेकिन इनमें से कितने किसान एन.सी.आर. से है ?

2. India Against Corruption के लोग देश के कोने कोने मै है फ़िर आज तक अन्ना टीम उनजरुरत मंद किसानो तक क्यो नही पहुँच सकी । खुद अन्ना के ग्रह प्रदेश माहाराष्ट्र के विदर्भ के कितने किसान बुरी हालात में अपना जीवन यापन करने पर मजबूर है, वो कर्ज के कारण आत्म हत्या कर रहे है । कुछ समय पहले अमिताभ बच्चन ने भी कुछ किसानो को कर्ज मुक्त कराया था । क्यो टीम अन्ना वँहा नही दिखाई दी ?

3. हम नोएडा एक्स्टेश्ंन में घर खरिदने वाले बायर्स अपने जीवन भर की कमाई अपने सपने के लिये लगा चुके है , सब बहुत परेशानी में है फ़िर भी हम इतनी हिम्मत नही कर पा रहे कि सुप्रीम कोर्ट तक अपनी फ़रियाद ले जाये क्योकि हमारे पास इतना फ़ंड्स नही है, लेकिन किसान अनगिनत याचिकाये डाले जा रहे है । तो परेशान कौन है ? हताश कौन है ? किसान या हम ?

4. 1,00,000 ज्यादा बायर्स होने के बावजूद शायद ही किसी बायर्स की खुद या उनकी फ़ैमली की बारात किसी हेलिकाप्टर में गई होगी । लेकिन NCR में यह आम बात है । गरीब कौन ? जरुरतमंद कौन ?

5. अगर NCR से ही टीम अन्ना मिडिया को बुला कर किसानो की बात रखना चाहती है तो फ़िर क्यो दिल्ली,फ़रिदाबाद,गुड़गाँव ,और गाजियाबाद नही ? क्यो सिर्फ़ नोएडा और ग्रैटर नोएडा ? क्या सिर्फ़ इस लिये क्योकि यह मामला मिडिया में छाया हुआ है और उन किसानो के कंधे पर बदूंक रख कर टीम अन्ना अपना उल्लू सीधा करना चाहती है ।

'Team Anna encashing Noida agitation for political mileage'
 Press Trust of India / Noida June 02, 2012, 20:45

 Condemning the visit of Manish Sisodia to Greater Noida in support of local farmers, a flat owners' association accused Team Anna of encashing the Noida extension agitation for political interest.

 "If Team Anna wanted to raise the farmers issue from NCR then why they selected only Noida farmers. It appears they want to encash the Noida extension agitation for their political interests. Why they did not choose NCR's other areas such as Faridabad, Gurgaon and Ghaziabad," Noida Extension Flat Owners Members Association General secretary Shweta Bharti said in a statement.

 Sisodia, Team Anna's key member, had yesterday visited Greater Noida where he supported local farmers in their fight for their land.

 The body said the farmers condition is bad in other parts of the country also, including in Anna Hazare's home state Maharashtra, but the Team Anna members are not seen there.
 "India Against Corruption people are in all corners of the country, but why the Team Anna members did not meet farmers in other areas. In Anna's home state Maharashtra's Vidarbha area condition of farmers is very bad. Why the team Anna members are not seen there to help those farmers," she said.

 "As per WTO report in India around one lakh farmers every year commit suicide due to overburden of loans. The Government's welfare schemes did not reach farmers. How many of these farmers are in NCR?" she asked.

 "We have invested our hard earned money for the purchase of our home at Noida Extension," she said.

 The buyers will hold dharna in Delhi on June 8 to protest against the non-clearance of Greater Noida master plan resulting in the halting of realty projects.


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