NEFOMA will hold its general meeting this Saturday , December 31, 2011 at 3:00 PM . at Star City Mall, Mayur Vihar Extn., Please RSVP at the email address below if you want to confirm your attendance and/or have any questions.

To Register:
Email to or visit and click join us .

Thanks to all buyers who r the real strength of NEFOMA & all have proved today by participating along with their family in the rally & specially salute to babies who who participated in this cold.Very Very thanks to MEDIA who has covered this rally & given our message to all..................Hope this support in future from all of u & HAVE A HAPPY DREAM HOME

आज नेफ़ोमा ने नोएडा में एक मीटिंग की जिसमें नेफ़ोमा टीम के अलावा १०० बायर्स भी थे । इस मीटिंग में १७ तारिख को होने वाली रैली को सफ़ल बनाने के लिये काफ़ी सुझाव दिये गये । सभी नेफ़ोमा मेम्बर्स इस बात पर एकमत थे कि सब को मिलकर १७ तारिख की रैली को सफ़ल बनाना है । सबसे बड़ा मुद्दा था कि कैसे सभी बायर्स को इक्क्ठा किया जाये । इस सबाल के जवाब में लगभग सभी मेम्बर्स का कहना था की अब समय आ गया है कि बायर्स को यह मैसेज दिया जाये की अगर अ्भी नही तो कभी नही । हम सभी को मिलकर इस रैली को सफ़ल बनाना है और सभी अथोरिटीज जो नोएडा एस्क्टेश्न से जुड़ी हुई है , उन तक यह सन्देश भी पहुचाँना है की अब बायर्स चुप नही बैठने वाले ।

We need volunteers to help out at the rally on Saturday 17th Dec '2011. Can you help ??? There will be a volunteer meeting at Noida Entry Point, Gautam Budha Statue (Sharp), on Dec '4 from 11:30pm to 1.30 pm .
If you would like to volunteer, send an email to or call : 08595071867 , 9958082973, 9268264764 , 9818151814 , 9716025786

APPEAL …..APPEAL......APPEAL......APPEAL with Buyers
To all members to attend the meeting on 4th December 2011 at Noida Entry Point, Gautam Budha Statue 11.30 am (Sharp) to decide further on our rally of 17th Dec' 2011, regarding Noida Extension. Kindly come in full strength and give your suggestions to make this Rally a success.

It's an preparation meeting for 17th Dec' 2011 rally..

Dear Buyers (Fight for our Rights) APPEAL from me / NEFOMA

Only give two Hrs to us with your family, children, mother, father, Husband to get his HOME in the right time, because whatever we are doing, doing for our beloved Family, we earn money for him, we work for him, this is also a work towards your family (Most probably for our children, Who is future of this country and if we show crowdedness, laziness they will never forgive to us) this the last chance to avoid your all unnecessary demand from builder as well as other authority who snatching you peace, sleep in night, dream Home etc. from you……This is your fight ….. Fight for Right….So shows the strength and unity as a BUYER………….

Date : Saturday, December 17, 2011
Time : 3:00pm to 5:00pm
Place : Noida Entry Point, Gautam Budha Statue

NEFOMA (Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association) is organizing a Peaceful March on Saturday, the17th December, 2011 starting from Gautam Buddha Statue, Noida Entry Gate. The rally will terminate at Sector16A, Noida. We are demanding an immediate solution of the Noida Extension issue. Our Main demands are immediate approvals from NCRPB and Banks.

Therefore, all flat buyers are requested to please gather in full strength at Gautam Buddha Statue at 3:00 p.m. sharp on17rd Dec, 2011.

(Shweta Bharti)
General Secretary


About this blog

NEFOMA is Noida Extension Flat Owners and Members Association.Purpose and objective of NEFOMA is to keep updated to all the future residents of Noida Extension based on the users feedback.User can make their decision owners can raise their voice in case of any issues.

If you have any query pls register or feedback on

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